Just Puttzn' Around
Development and programming

AVG vs swfUpload
Dec 3rd
Migrating one machine to another is fairly simple in a home environment where you only have to copy over pictures, and maybe some music. Go though and figure out what programs you need to reinstall and what other crap you have accumulated that can be ignored to keep the new machine in a pristine, well organized state, for as long as possible.
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My first android app
Dec 1st
this was originally posted on my free wordpress blog here
Its painfully obvious that I’ve never developed for android before. Its taking me forever to just get the basics down. Layouts, resources, databases, views, actions, intents, etc. Let alone coming up with an idea that is worth developing. Maybe it’s good I don’t have that million dollar idea yet so I’m not too frustrated and worried about it slipping through my fingers as I slowly learn this platform/environment/API.
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