Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged one-a-day

1000 geocaches!
Mar 14th
This past weekend I hit a geocaching milestone. I found my 1000th geocache find. Many of my 1000 were located in parking lots or on guardrails, or other places that took little to no skill to find. Not to say that I haven’t had my fair share of memorable caches in that 1000 though. There have been some amazingly creative hides, historic places, challenging hikes, and of course the tunnel crawls. Of course my 1000th cache could not be one of the basic urban hides. Instead I had to challenge myself with a crazy climb to the top of a rusty old crane.

All geoaches are not created equal
Jan 30th

Finding history through geocaching
Jan 22nd
It’s been a while since I’ve done some “good” geocaching. No lamp posts, no guardrails, nothing with a rating of 1/1. (Overall difficulty / terrain difficulty) Nothing too urban that involves park and rides, bus stops, or parking lots. I haven’t been in the woods in a while or done a good multi-cache. Well today I broke that dry spell. I found an awesome series of caches that took me all around uptown Charlotte introducing me to different parks and monuments that honor our veterans.
Massage Thoughts – More proof I think too much
Jan 12th
It’s official. My brain will never shut off. Even in an extremely relaxed state while getting a massage my brain was churning out random thoughts. I just couldn’t stop it. The more I tried to make it stop, the more randomness it would invent. It’s kind of frustrating, but yet kind of fun and funny. Here are some of the thoughts I can remember from my hour long rub down.