Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged theme

Finally! An acceptable theme
Dec 5th
Puttzy.com is moving right along. Not quickly or easily, but it is progressing.
I spent about 6 hours today browsing the countless theme sites and directories of WordPress themes that exist. There must be thousands of them, if not more. After a while I stopped relying on google and started looking at the pingbacks that were listed on a specific site so that I could find lists that may not have had as much google juice. That is when i started to find the good stuff.
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Website setup
Dec 4th
I’ve thought about the whole domain name ownership, self branding, blogging for quite some time now but this is my first actual attempt. After doing a lot of research I’ve decided to follow the norm and use WordPress as the CMS since it seems to be the most popular, configurable, and most well documented. Which is very important since I don’t know php at all.
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