Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged family

Becoming a superfan – Final
Jan 14th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

History is not just in books
Dec 28th
So many times we only study history in books, or maybe the occasional show on TV. We often fail to realize that history is all around us. The stories that our parents and grandparents hold carry with it so much more than we can glean from a book. We can see how certain events affected their lives and in turn shaped us into who we are. But not every bit of history has to be a world changing event for it to be memorable. Over my Christmas vacation I managed to snag a few moments alone with my grandmother (Bubba – the one on the right) to get a few tidbits of my own history. I was amazed at what I could learn in short amount of time.