Just Puttzn' Around
A catch all for everything else. My thoughts, experiences, things I feel like sharing or commenting on.

Becoming a superfan – Final
Jan 14th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

Becoming a superfan – Take 5
Jan 13th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.
Massage Thoughts – More proof I think too much
Jan 12th
It’s official. My brain will never shut off. Even in an extremely relaxed state while getting a massage my brain was churning out random thoughts. I just couldn’t stop it. The more I tried to make it stop, the more randomness it would invent. It’s kind of frustrating, but yet kind of fun and funny. Here are some of the thoughts I can remember from my hour long rub down.

Becoming a superfan – Take 4
Jan 11th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

snOMG We Have a Controversy
Jan 10th
It’s not often I go off on a public rant but I guess things have been building up on this one only to boil over this morning. What is comes down to is that your never please everyone so don’t even try. More >

Becoming a superfan – Take 3
Jan 8th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.
More >

Becoming a superfan – Take 2
Jan 7th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

Checkers super fan – Take 1
Jan 6th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

Geocaching – a frustratingly fun hobby
Jan 4th
My mind always seems be very active. Sometimes I’m trying to think forward and solve a mystery in a book I’m reading or show I’m watching. Other times, when I’m not purposely or actively thinking about things, my brain may be churning away on a problem from work or enlightening me with random thoughts from my subconscious. Many of which scare me. I even have a few “million dollar ideas” in my head that have sprouted up a few times that I’d be willing to sell to you for a fraction of that price. But one of my favorite ways to spend my free brain cycles is geocaching.

The Lazy 5 Ranch is quite an adventure
Jan 2nd
I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately about finding the unique places and fun things to do in and around Charlotte. Well I found a good one this weekend. The Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville, about 30 miles north of Charlotte, fits both the unique and the fun aspect of my wants. It’s guaranteed to be an adventure, lots of laughs and, if your trip is anything like mine, some good stories.