Just Puttzn' Around
Everything sports related

Charlotte Observer steps up Checkers coverage
Dec 13th
Deep down inside I know that I didn’t make a difference, but I’d like to think I did. After all, who doesn’t want to think that with one silly little blog post critiquing the Charlotte Observer you can change the way something works. That being said please don’t burst my bubble. Let me think that just MAYBE I had something to do with this.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Dec 7th
That is what a headline COULD have read in the Charlotte Observer this morning if they actually took the time to even semi adequately cover the most successful professional Charlotte sports team. But instead, buried underneath articles about the lowly Carolina Panthers, a 3 day old blog about NASCAR which is only semi working, and a blog about fantasy baseball, of all things, you finally get a one line snippet about the Checkers rout of Syracuse last night.
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