Just Puttzn' Around
My thoughts
My thoughts on random items

I need something a little more abstract
Dec 29th
Certain jobs are romanticized by some, but dreaded by others. Which is part of the reason we all work in different fields and have different positions. We fill in where we feel comfortable, where we can contribute the most. Those contributions can be to the greater good of society, or as simple as supporting ourselves and families lifestyle. Sometimes we hold these positions for years simply because we settle into a routine and can’t seem to break out of it for any number of reasons. Lately, I have been feeling that I’m in a routine that I wouldn’t mind changing a little.

History is not just in books
Dec 28th
So many times we only study history in books, or maybe the occasional show on TV. We often fail to realize that history is all around us. The stories that our parents and grandparents hold carry with it so much more than we can glean from a book. We can see how certain events affected their lives and in turn shaped us into who we are. But not every bit of history has to be a world changing event for it to be memorable. Over my Christmas vacation I managed to snag a few moments alone with my grandmother (Bubba – the one on the right) to get a few tidbits of my own history. I was amazed at what I could learn in short amount of time.

Helping winter to pass quickly
Dec 17th
It’s cold outside. A rainy, yucky, slushy mess. I feel like it’s mid-December and I’m living in Pennsylvania again. Mid-December is not supposed to be like this in Charlotte. Not in the South. Not in MY south at least. Between the lack of sunlight and being held hostage by the cold many people say that they get depressed, or even S.A.D. during these long frigid winter months. I’ll admit that I become a little stir crazy at times myself, but I’ve found a way to get me through it. Planning

You can’t teach old media new tricks
Dec 8th
In an earlier post, where I ranted about the Charlotte Oberserver’s lack of coverage of the local hockey team, I alluded to the fact that I find the sports section of the site done incorrectly. Or maybe I should just come out and say that I don’t like it. Here is where I’ll give my own personal opinions of what is wrong.
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