Just Puttzn' Around
Charlotte stuff

The quest for Confederates Lost gold
Feb 21st
Checkers FOTY – The next step
Feb 7th
So I’ve written, rewritten, self-promoted, blogged, tweeted, and facebooked all in an effort to become the Checkers Fan of the year. It all paid off. I’m now one of 16 finalists for the Charlotte Checkers fan of the year. I realized after meeting the other candidates and getting more information on what is in store for me the next couple months I have just now started this journey.

Planning the great adventure
Jan 27th
What is an adventure? Does adventure lie in the destination? Can you truly plan an adventure? Or is planning the counter-intuitive anti-adventure? Many people subscribe to the the cliched, yet true, “it’s about the journey not the destination” mindset. To me the best adventures occur happen when random chance crashes into good planning and ends with a smile and a great story. Right now I’m planning something that may be my next great adventure.

Superfan challenge
Jan 26th
For the past month or so I’ve been writing about trying to be named the Charlotte Checkers fan of the year. After seeing my name in lights the other night I got excited but couldn’t help but wonder what the next step was. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long to find out a little bit more.
Becoming a Superfan – finalist
Jan 23rd
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” After blogging a few of my ideas I submitted one, This is my follow up.

Becoming a superfan – Take 3
Jan 8th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.
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Becoming a superfan – Take 2
Jan 7th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

Checkers super fan – Take 1
Jan 6th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.

Charlotte Observer steps up Checkers coverage
Dec 13th
Deep down inside I know that I didn’t make a difference, but I’d like to think I did. After all, who doesn’t want to think that with one silly little blog post critiquing the Charlotte Observer you can change the way something works. That being said please don’t burst my bubble. Let me think that just MAYBE I had something to do with this.

You can’t teach old media new tricks
Dec 8th
In an earlier post, where I ranted about the Charlotte Oberserver’s lack of coverage of the local hockey team, I alluded to the fact that I find the sports section of the site done incorrectly. Or maybe I should just come out and say that I don’t like it. Here is where I’ll give my own personal opinions of what is wrong.
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