Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged motorcycle

I need something a little more abstract
Dec 29th
Certain jobs are romanticized by some, but dreaded by others. Which is part of the reason we all work in different fields and have different positions. We fill in where we feel comfortable, where we can contribute the most. Those contributions can be to the greater good of society, or as simple as supporting ourselves and families lifestyle. Sometimes we hold these positions for years simply because we settle into a routine and can’t seem to break out of it for any number of reasons. Lately, I have been feeling that I’m in a routine that I wouldn’t mind changing a little.

So many places. So little time
Dec 21st
So many places, so little time. That’s what it feels like when I start planning trips. Between the time off work, and the cost of even the cheapest hotels I start to get frustrated. But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming and trying to find good places and roads to travel. After a short, 30 minute ride in the crisp 40 degree weather Sunday I decided to start jotting down some ideas that have been rolling around in my head for a while.

Offline renegades in an online world – part 1
Dec 10th
I’ll admit it. I have a fascination with lives and cultures unlike my own. Lives without cubicles and bright fluorescent lights. A life with perceived, cliched, freedom. One of my favorite subcultures to read about is 1% life of the motorcycle gangs. While researching another idea for a post I got side tracked and found some interesting things. Did you know that the 10 most notorious motorcycle clubs in the US all have some kind of online presence? Some of them do it surprisingly well, while others struggle mightily. Here’s my take on what they do right and wrong.