Just Puttzn' Around

Simulated LPC Experience
Jan 12th
No, Simulated LPC Experience, is not the name of a band, rather it’s the name of a new geocache here in Charlotte.
Dynamic Images in Geocache Listing [Updated]
Jan 10th
I’m not a builder. I don’t have the “handy” gene that most of the men in my family have. Instead, I have the nerd gene. The gene that makes me look at something online and wonder how it is done. How I would have done it differently or better. With that being said I realized I’m probably not going to be the person to build an awesome cache container, so I need to find a way to stand out doing what I do. Being a nerd. That has led me to hacking around with the cache listing page and different ideas for technology caches. I’ve found some interesting tricks lately including a way to change the image in your cache listing when the user clicks a certain link.