Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged interview

History is not just in books
Dec 28th
So many times we only study history in books, or maybe the occasional show on TV. We often fail to realize that history is all around us. The stories that our parents and grandparents hold carry with it so much more than we can glean from a book. We can see how certain events affected their lives and in turn shaped us into who we are. But not every bit of history has to be a world changing event for it to be memorable. Over my Christmas vacation I managed to snag a few moments alone with my grandmother (Bubba – the one on the right) to get a few tidbits of my own history. I was amazed at what I could learn in short amount of time.

Barbara Walters of the Internet
Dec 14th
So I have a simple idea for what could possibly be an interesting website. Obviously not this one. The idea behind the site involves talking to a lot of people and working to get the most out of them. Whether it be their background, their opinions, or just a good story or quote. Before I jump into this though I decided to make a mental list of questions to prompt interesting answers as well as a few guidelines for myself to follow. Basically how do I turn myself – a cube sitting, oddball, nerd – into the male version of Barbara Walters.