Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged geocaching
Dynamic Images in Geocache Listing [Updated]
Jan 10th
I’m not a builder. I don’t have the “handy” gene that most of the men in my family have. Instead, I have the nerd gene. The gene that makes me look at something online and wonder how it is done. How I would have done it differently or better. With that being said I realized I’m probably not going to be the person to build an awesome cache container, so I need to find a way to stand out doing what I do. Being a nerd. That has led me to hacking around with the cache listing page and different ideas for technology caches. I’ve found some interesting tricks lately including a way to change the image in your cache listing when the user clicks a certain link.

A geocaching concentration puzzle
Jul 23rd
What a crappy entry to come back into the blogging world with. But deal with it.
I’ve been working hard lately on coming up with ideas for new types of geocaches. Clever hides, good places, fun challenges, and mostly new technology that could be brought into geocaching. My best idea, or the or I’m most proud of, so far came on Shallow Esophagus which I’ll describe more in a later entry. My most recent idea came from Momma-Cache: a concentration / memory game puzzle.

1000 geocaches!
Mar 14th
This past weekend I hit a geocaching milestone. I found my 1000th geocache find. Many of my 1000 were located in parking lots or on guardrails, or other places that took little to no skill to find. Not to say that I haven’t had my fair share of memorable caches in that 1000 though. There have been some amazingly creative hides, historic places, challenging hikes, and of course the tunnel crawls. Of course my 1000th cache could not be one of the basic urban hides. Instead I had to challenge myself with a crazy climb to the top of a rusty old crane.

The quest for Confederates Lost gold
Feb 21st

All geoaches are not created equal
Jan 30th

Planning the great adventure
Jan 27th
What is an adventure? Does adventure lie in the destination? Can you truly plan an adventure? Or is planning the counter-intuitive anti-adventure? Many people subscribe to the the cliched, yet true, “it’s about the journey not the destination” mindset. To me the best adventures occur happen when random chance crashes into good planning and ends with a smile and a great story. Right now I’m planning something that may be my next great adventure.

Finding history through geocaching
Jan 22nd
It’s been a while since I’ve done some “good” geocaching. No lamp posts, no guardrails, nothing with a rating of 1/1. (Overall difficulty / terrain difficulty) Nothing too urban that involves park and rides, bus stops, or parking lots. I haven’t been in the woods in a while or done a good multi-cache. Well today I broke that dry spell. I found an awesome series of caches that took me all around uptown Charlotte introducing me to different parks and monuments that honor our veterans.

Geocaching – a frustratingly fun hobby
Jan 4th
My mind always seems be very active. Sometimes I’m trying to think forward and solve a mystery in a book I’m reading or show I’m watching. Other times, when I’m not purposely or actively thinking about things, my brain may be churning away on a problem from work or enlightening me with random thoughts from my subconscious. Many of which scare me. I even have a few “million dollar ideas” in my head that have sprouted up a few times that I’d be willing to sell to you for a fraction of that price. But one of my favorite ways to spend my free brain cycles is geocaching.