Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged idea
Massage Thoughts – More proof I think too much
Jan 12th
It’s official. My brain will never shut off. Even in an extremely relaxed state while getting a massage my brain was churning out random thoughts. I just couldn’t stop it. The more I tried to make it stop, the more randomness it would invent. It’s kind of frustrating, but yet kind of fun and funny. Here are some of the thoughts I can remember from my hour long rub down.

Barbara Walters of the Internet
Dec 14th
So I have a simple idea for what could possibly be an interesting website. Obviously not this one. The idea behind the site involves talking to a lot of people and working to get the most out of them. Whether it be their background, their opinions, or just a good story or quote. Before I jump into this though I decided to make a mental list of questions to prompt interesting answers as well as a few guidelines for myself to follow. Basically how do I turn myself – a cube sitting, oddball, nerd – into the male version of Barbara Walters.