Just Puttzn' Around
Posts tagged development
Dynamic Images in Geocache Listing [Updated]
Jan 10th
I’m not a builder. I don’t have the “handy” gene that most of the men in my family have. Instead, I have the nerd gene. The gene that makes me look at something online and wonder how it is done. How I would have done it differently or better. With that being said I realized I’m probably not going to be the person to build an awesome cache container, so I need to find a way to stand out doing what I do. Being a nerd. That has led me to hacking around with the cache listing page and different ideas for technology caches. I’ve found some interesting tricks lately including a way to change the image in your cache listing when the user clicks a certain link.

Becoming a superfan – Take 2
Jan 7th
The Charlotte Checkers are having a contest to name fan of the year. The prizes are awesome and I would love to win. All I have to do is write an essay of 200 words or less answering the question: “If you were talking to someone that had never been to a Checkers game before, what would you tell them to get them to join you?” Not so hard at face value. The problem is I have so many different ways to go about this. Do I take a marketing approach or try to be clever and write out my answer in the form of a script? Maybe I try to get artsy or perhaps I just talk about why the Checkers are the best team in town. Over the next couple posts I will be exploring a few of these different ideas that are rolling around in my head and taking any advice people want to give. Hopefully one of these stands out and gives me the win.
Assessing acceptable risk [Follow-up]
Dec 10th
Every project in life makes us weigh pros and cons. Do we take the easy path at the risk of shoddy workmanship to only have to redo something later? Do we skimp out on some of the elements involved in order to save a few dollars? Should we get the job done the quickest way possible and forget about some of the risks and holes we may be leaving ourselves vulnerable to? Almost every project we do in life contains these types of questions. Whether it be building something around the house or getting new tires on the car. But what I’m focusing on is risk in software development.

You can’t teach old media new tricks
Dec 8th
In an earlier post, where I ranted about the Charlotte Oberserver’s lack of coverage of the local hockey team, I alluded to the fact that I find the sports section of the site done incorrectly. Or maybe I should just come out and say that I don’t like it. Here is where I’ll give my own personal opinions of what is wrong.
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My first android app
Dec 1st
this was originally posted on my free wordpress blog here
Its painfully obvious that I’ve never developed for android before. Its taking me forever to just get the basics down. Layouts, resources, databases, views, actions, intents, etc. Let alone coming up with an idea that is worth developing. Maybe it’s good I don’t have that million dollar idea yet so I’m not too frustrated and worried about it slipping through my fingers as I slowly learn this platform/environment/API.
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