Just Puttzn' Around
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Posts by puttzy

Geocaching – a frustratingly fun hobby
Jan 4th
My mind always seems be very active. Sometimes I’m trying to think forward and solve a mystery in a book I’m reading or show I’m watching. Other times, when I’m not purposely or actively thinking about things, my brain may be churning away on a problem from work or enlightening me with random thoughts from my subconscious. Many of which scare me. I even have a few “million dollar ideas” in my head that have sprouted up a few times that I’d be willing to sell to you for a fraction of that price. But one of my favorite ways to spend my free brain cycles is geocaching.

The Lazy 5 Ranch is quite an adventure
Jan 2nd
I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately about finding the unique places and fun things to do in and around Charlotte. Well I found a good one this weekend. The Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville, about 30 miles north of Charlotte, fits both the unique and the fun aspect of my wants. It’s guaranteed to be an adventure, lots of laughs and, if your trip is anything like mine, some good stories.

I need something a little more abstract
Dec 29th
Certain jobs are romanticized by some, but dreaded by others. Which is part of the reason we all work in different fields and have different positions. We fill in where we feel comfortable, where we can contribute the most. Those contributions can be to the greater good of society, or as simple as supporting ourselves and families lifestyle. Sometimes we hold these positions for years simply because we settle into a routine and can’t seem to break out of it for any number of reasons. Lately, I have been feeling that I’m in a routine that I wouldn’t mind changing a little.

History is not just in books
Dec 28th
So many times we only study history in books, or maybe the occasional show on TV. We often fail to realize that history is all around us. The stories that our parents and grandparents hold carry with it so much more than we can glean from a book. We can see how certain events affected their lives and in turn shaped us into who we are. But not every bit of history has to be a world changing event for it to be memorable. Over my Christmas vacation I managed to snag a few moments alone with my grandmother (Bubba – the one on the right) to get a few tidbits of my own history. I was amazed at what I could learn in short amount of time.

So many places. So little time
Dec 21st
So many places, so little time. That’s what it feels like when I start planning trips. Between the time off work, and the cost of even the cheapest hotels I start to get frustrated. But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming and trying to find good places and roads to travel. After a short, 30 minute ride in the crisp 40 degree weather Sunday I decided to start jotting down some ideas that have been rolling around in my head for a while.

Helping winter to pass quickly
Dec 17th
It’s cold outside. A rainy, yucky, slushy mess. I feel like it’s mid-December and I’m living in Pennsylvania again. Mid-December is not supposed to be like this in Charlotte. Not in the South. Not in MY south at least. Between the lack of sunlight and being held hostage by the cold many people say that they get depressed, or even S.A.D. during these long frigid winter months. I’ll admit that I become a little stir crazy at times myself, but I’ve found a way to get me through it. Planning

StephenS | thePensBlog has a store to purchase prints
Dec 15th
On one of my very first posts I raved about the artwork by Stephen S from thePensBlog. In the week or so since I posted that my feelings haven’t changed. I still find his work amazing. It combines a little piece of penguins history, with a classy piece of art at an extremely reasonable price. That all got even better today.

Barbara Walters of the Internet
Dec 14th
So I have a simple idea for what could possibly be an interesting website. Obviously not this one. The idea behind the site involves talking to a lot of people and working to get the most out of them. Whether it be their background, their opinions, or just a good story or quote. Before I jump into this though I decided to make a mental list of questions to prompt interesting answers as well as a few guidelines for myself to follow. Basically how do I turn myself – a cube sitting, oddball, nerd – into the male version of Barbara Walters.

Charlotte Observer steps up Checkers coverage
Dec 13th
Deep down inside I know that I didn’t make a difference, but I’d like to think I did. After all, who doesn’t want to think that with one silly little blog post critiquing the Charlotte Observer you can change the way something works. That being said please don’t burst my bubble. Let me think that just MAYBE I had something to do with this.

Offline renegades in an online world – part 1
Dec 10th
I’ll admit it. I have a fascination with lives and cultures unlike my own. Lives without cubicles and bright fluorescent lights. A life with perceived, cliched, freedom. One of my favorite subcultures to read about is 1% life of the motorcycle gangs. While researching another idea for a post I got side tracked and found some interesting things. Did you know that the 10 most notorious motorcycle clubs in the US all have some kind of online presence? Some of them do it surprisingly well, while others struggle mightily. Here’s my take on what they do right and wrong.